Letter for Ruptured Silicone Gel Implants

Here is our sample letter of medical necessity written for a woman with at least one ruptured silicone gel breast implant. If you would like our assistance in personalizing your letter, please take our short survey and we will email you soon.  Click here to download this letter as a word document you can edit.


[Insurance company] Claims Department
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

RE: Letter of Medical Necessity for [patient name]
Group/policy number: [Number]
Date(s) of service: [Dates]
Diagnosis: [Code & Description]

Dear [Insurance company] Claims Department:

I am writing on behalf of my patient, [patient name], to document medical necessity for explantation of two breast implants. [Patient name] has undergone [MRI/ultrasound/mammogram/a comprehensive clinical exam] and there is clear evidence that [her right/ her left/both her] silicone gel breast implant[s] [is/are] ruptured. [Patient name] requires an explantation with permanent removal of both implants and scar capsules. On behalf of the patient, I am requesting coverage for this procedure.

[Patient name] is a [age]-year-old female who has been in my care since [date]. [As a result of her ruptured implant[s], my patient has experienced [pain] as well as significant deficits in her daily functioning, including [not being able to reach above her head, etc.]. [She has previously tried [any pain medications, including Tylenol] to relieve her pain.] She is unable to safely undergo mammography to screen or diagnose breast cancer, because the pressure of the procedure would spread the leaking silicone throughout the breast area and surrounding tissue and potentially to her lymph nodes, and from there to organs such as the lungs and liver. In
addition, even without mammography the leaking silicone [has migrated/can migrate] to her lymph nodes and from there to other organs, and [has resulted/can result] in the formation of granulomas that resemble lumps caused by breast cancer tumors. The FDA and general expert consensus have recommended explantation for all patients with both extracapsular- and intracapsular-ruptured silicone gel breast implants.

The attached medical records document [patient name]’s clinical condition and medical necessity for permanent explantation of both breast implants. There is no equally effective course of treatment available for the recipient that is more conservative or less costly.

According to the medical policy of [insurance company], my patient’s breast implant removal should be covered since she has [a] ruptured silicone gel implant[s]. Surgical implant removal is the standard treatment for a ruptured silicone gel implant and clinically appropriate for my patient. This surgery is not primarily for the convenience of the patient or provider.

The [insurance company] policy [policy number] states the following within the plan under the “[TITLE OF SECTION OF RELEVANT POLICY LANGUAGE]” section:


[Patient name]’s ruptured silicone gel implant[s] meets the above-stated criteria for [breast implant removal/medical necessity]. Removal of both her breast implants and intact scar tissue surrounding them is needed to prevent silicone gel leakage during the explantation surgery. Based on the language above, this procedure should be considered medically necessary.

My patient is requesting coverage for the [surgery name and CPT code #s]. Medical documentation is included.

Based on this information, I ask that you offer coverage for [patient name]’s medically necessary explant surgery. Should you require additional information, please feel free to contact me at [phone and email contact information]. I look forward to hearing from you.


[Dr. signature]
[Dr. name, title]
[Provider identification number]

Enclosures: (Attach as appropriate)
Clinic notes and lab reports